Sunday Update and Roundup

Credit: by Tom Curtis

Credit: by Tom Curtis

It is the officially the end of summer. I do enjoy the fall, but I’m dreading the winter. I think the Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a harsh and nasty winter. That’s no fun.

With this site, I really need to make some time to do a couple of things. I want to change up the design a little bit and I definitely have to change my About Page.

Next week, Mrs. LRC will start working on Thursday. I took off Thursday and Friday to watch Baby LRC and will be taking those days off until sometime in November to juggle childcare with my mother. In November, my mother-in-law will be available to help out. I’ll have to do some research into the tax benefits and tax consequences of hiring grandparents as a nanny. If anyone has done this, please chime in.

Also, because I’ll be only working 3 days a week, I do feel that I’ve had to work harder at my job. As Jeff from Personal Finance Utopia aptly explains in a recent post, “in the end, we end up working the same amount of hours to get everything done. The only difference is we cram everything before and after our time off.”

Roundup of Posts I Enjoyed:

I posted on Wednesday on How to Make a Great Speech and said that being able to communicate and make presentations in front of large groups is an important skill.

Another important skill to have is the skill of negotiating. Whether it is buying a car, a house, haggling at a flea market, or in the case of Done by Forty, haggling with a very pregnant lady for a scooter, you need to know how to negotiate to get the best price so check out How We Negotiate Part I and How We Negotiate Part II.

5 Ways to Save Thousands on Your College Education by The Student Loan Sherpa.
A college education is expensive and getting increasingly more expensive. Check out some ways to save thousands.

Congratulations to Alexa for setting a goal to become a full-time freelancer by February and crushing that goal starting in one month after giving her current employer notice. I love her “can do” attitude and her work ethic. How did she do it? I think these 3 steps she posted a month ago were the key. And to quote her from that post, you basically have to “make the sacrifice and work your butt off for awhile.”

C. The Romanian posted Should I Buy a Smaller House Now or Save for a Bigger One. I’ve been struggling with the same dilemma and can empathize with C’s situation. At this point, I think We’ll be buying a Co-op as houses are way to expensive and I don’t know when I can save that amount of money to make that purchase.

Enjoy the first day of Fall!

Thanks to Money Life and More for including me in the Yakezie Carnival.

19 thoughts on “Sunday Update and Roundup

  1. Alexa

    Thank for you for the mention! Enjoy your extra days with baby LRC! I was just reading an article about time management as well. I can’t remember where I read it but it basically said whether we have two hours or eight hours to complete the same amount of work it will take however much time we have. Which really makes sense to me. If I have a lot of time to do a little amount of work I definitely take my time even when I shouldn’t.
    Alexa recently posted…Laser Focus: How to Make Your Side Business Grow FasterMy Profile

    1. Post author

      Yes, I really need to have use my time wisely but I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and inundated with things I need to do at the moment!

    1. Post author

      Thanks Matt…hopefully that will be true. Baby LRC right now seems to want our attention pretty often so I’m not sure if I’ll get too much done.

  2. DC @ Young Adult Money

    It is funny how much work there is before and after time off. I also want to change some things with my design and I am very close to signing on for a complete redesign, but I want to see what I can do myself before I go that route. I will probably just try tweaking a few things here and there and see if I am satisfied with how it ends up, otherwise I might pull the trigger and pay for a professional redesign.
    DC @ Young Adult Money recently posted…Thinking about Going Back to School? 5 Things to ConsiderMy Profile

    1. Post author

      You’ve been saying that about the redesign for weeks! haha. I shouldn’t be talking because I go back and forth on different ideas but can’t pull the trigger yet.

  3. Hayley @ A Disease Called Debt

    I like how your blog is really clear, I think that’s really important to keep. 🙂 I put the feelers out for what works best in terms of design changes and lots of people mentioned a custom header. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the site! Thanks for sharing some great reads, I’ll check out the ones I’ve not read already!
    Hayley @ A Disease Called Debt recently posted…Why I’m swapping wine for green teaMy Profile

    1. Post author

      Thanks Hayley…I like the clear look too but I think I can spice it up a little bit. I did read your post asking for advice and I think I’ll be doing that…the custom header.

    1. Post author

      I will do some research and ask around. Will let you know if I learn anything new.

  4. Laurie @thefrugalfarmer

    Andrew, we hate winter too – the cold is just unbearable, isn’t it? Funny you should mention a harsh winter: we have a large oak tree in our yard that is dropping its acorns like crazy, and somebody told us that this is indicative of either a dry summer (which we’ve had for the last six weeks) or an upcoming harsh winter. I hope it’s not the latter……
    Laurie @thefrugalfarmer recently posted…Paying off Debt: Preparing Yourself for the JourneyMy Profile

    1. Post author

      Wow, interesting…we’ll have to see if the acorns are a good predictor of the weather!

  5. Pingback: Weekend Link Love #8 - Personal Finance Utopia

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